Our philosophy is that for every product only one specific hardware platform is the absolute best match. Whether that is a low-power MCU, a powerful CPU, a DSP or an FPGA - your requirements are the driving factor to decide on the platform. We make this philosophy work by maintaining a very wide diversity in resources available when it comes to our embedded software engineering capabilities. Instead of working with the platforms our software engineers happen to be familiar with, we are extremely flexible in adopting new components and developing environments. While we maintain partnerships with a variety of processor developers, we carefully guard our independence.

Some of the platforms we work with on a regular basis:

  • Low-power MCUs, ARM-based or otherwise (NXP, MicroChip, STMicro, Atmel)
  • DSPs and codecs (TI, Cirrus, AD)
  • FPGAs (Altera, Lattice)
  • Mobile processors (NXP, Qualcom)
  • SDRs and dedicated programmable wireless chips (Semtech, Nordic, Atmel)

Our engineers are specifically skilled in low-power design and coding advanced signal processing algorithms. The impact of embedded software engineering on power consumption is an often underestimated, but extremely critical, aspect in the overall design of wearables.




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